Tips for keeping your summer tan during fall and winter

  • Sol Rivero

Now that the cold seasons are here and we’re covering up our bodies, it’s not uncommon to see our summer tan fade. Today we tell you some tips that might help you keeping your glow during fall and winter! Check it out:



Tip for keeping your summer tan during fall and winter #4: Don’t over exfoliate or have hot showers

Scrubbing your skin with harsh cleaners or having long and hot showers will hasten the loss of your summer tan. Try to exfoliate only once a week with a gentle cleaner, and shower with lukewarm or cold water.


Tip for keeping your summer tan during fall and winter #3: Use bronzing lotions

Once or twice per week, add a little bronzing lotion to your skin so they can bring out your summer glow. You can also use sunless self-tanners, which will preserve your tan and give you a natural look.


Tip for keeping your summer tan during fall and winter #2: Eat the right food

Adding fruits and vegetables that contain water, zinc, and vitamins E and C to your diet. They will give your skin a healthy look while helping it preserve your tan. Carrots are a popular favorite, since they contain carotene, which gives your skin a rich color.


Tip for keeping your summer tan during fall and winter #1: Moisturize

Using moisturizers helps your skin remain hydrated and glowing. Drink a lot of water, use a moisturizer with Vitamin E twice a day, and you’ll be good to go!


Do you have a tip for keeping your tan during the cold seasons? Let us know in the comments!


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December 6, 2013

Sol Rivero.


All women stalk. 8 top ways to maintain that summer glow through winter.
Bravadora. Get Glowing: Tricks to keeping your tan in the winter. Skip the tanning bed: tips to maintain your summer tan.
Yahoo. How to maintain your summer tan this fall and winter.