Great gift ideas for May birthdays

  • Sol Rivero

May is a wonderful month full of flowers and sunlight, and today we give you a few great gift ideas to celebrate the life of the friends, partners and family members with May birthdays.

Give them a look!


Gift idea for May birthdays #5: A bike

Those born in May tend to be very practical persons who enjoy physical activities, and although they’re not usually impulsive, they do enjoy engaging in tasks and hobbies which demand a lot of action. Since it’s the National Bike Month in the United States, why not helping them out by getting them a bike? Or, if they already have one, perhaps you can treat them with a complement which helps them improve their performance.


Gift idea for May birthdays #4: Heritage-inspired accessories

May is the month in which plenty of events related to the celebration of cultural heritage are held. Mexican, Asian, Haitian and Jewish are amongst the main heritages commemorated during this month, so if you have a friend or loved one who is celebrating their birthday during May, a great gift idea is an accessory, decoration, book, etc.; which honors their cultural background.

If they’re not too into it, but they’re interested in comics or movies, you can also try giving them a Star Wars inspired trinket, since this month is celebrated by fans of the saga.


Gift idea for May birthdays #3: Floral accessories

May is the month of spring, with blossoming flowers and warm weather. If your friend is a fashion enthusiast, then beautiful accessories with a floral theme will suit her just fine. From necklaces with flowers in pastel colors, to metallic cuff bracelets with floral filigrees, May is the perfect month for wearing spring-inspired accessories.

Jewelry with animal-inspired charms, or accessories with pearls are also hot for this Spring/Summer season.


Gift idea for May birthdays #2: A bouquet of lilies

The Lily of the Valley is the official birth flower for May. These beautiful blossoms represent sweetness and humility, two of the most common characteristics of those born during May. To celebrate, give your loved one a lovely bouquet of lilies with some common hawthorn –the second official birth flower of the month- for a unique present.


Gift idea for May birthdays #1: Emerald accessories

The emerald is the official birthstone of May. This beautiful gemstone is known for having a gorgeous deep green color, and it’s believed to represent loyalty, memory and even clairvoyance. A great gift idea for May is to give your loved one a lovely jewelry item with an emerald, or an unique accessory with emerald hues.

If you prefer something less common, other gemstones related to this month are the aquamarine, the diamond, the garnet agate, the quartz and the sapphire.



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