How to get rid of dark circles naturally

  • Sol Rivero

After a long night of studying, working or having fun until late hours, having a fresh-looking skin the next day can be quite difficult. One of the most common consequences of a late night can be those pesky dark circles under your eyes, which can be hard to remove. If you don’t have any creams around, then check out these tips on how to get rid of dark circles naturally, using ingredients you probably have at your home.


Natural remedy for dark circles #6: Saline solution

A common cause for dark circles is nasal congestion, since the veins that drain your eyes can’t work properly, and thus your skin takes on a dull, dark hue. If that’s the case, then you can try cleaning your nostrils with water or a simple saline solution. Combine water with a pinch of sea salt or baking soda and pump the solution into one of your nostrils. It’s very important to keep your head tilted during the process, so the solution can come out of your nose through the other nostril.

If you prefer something less invasive, you can also boil some water, cover your head with a towel, and inhale the vapors for a few minutes.


Natural remedy for dark circles #5: Vegetables and fruits

Some vegetables and fruits contain acids and vitamins that work great as natural remedies for dark circles under your eyes. Apples and cucumbers, for example, can be sliced and applied directly onto the skin under your eyes for an instantaneous refreshment, since they act as natural astringents. Lemon juice, tomatoes and raw potatoes can also be used to help the dark circles disappear, since they contain bleaching properties that lighten your skin: some drops of juice from one of these can help you remove those awful dark spots and soothing the tissues.


Natural remedy for dark circles #4: Oils

Natural oils are always great for soothing your skin, but they’re particularly effective when it comes to dark circles. Apply a few drops of almond oil or some Vitamin E oil to a cotton pad, and let it rest under your eyes for 15 to 20 minutes. You can also massage the area lightly with your clean fingers to improve blood flow. The oils will help you sooth the skin, moisturize it and lighten the dark spots.

This natural remedy is especially effective if you apply it during the night, right before going to sleep. If you stayed up until late, make sure you take a few extra minutes to place some oil on your skin, and your face will look fresher in the morning.


Natural remedy for dark circles #3: Herbal solutions

It’s not a secret that herbs contain great soothing properties which can help your body feel better and rejuvenated. Some herbs work perfectly as natural remedies for the dark circles under your eyes. Bags of green tea or chamomile, for example, can be heated, let to cool, and then apply to the skin under your eyes to soothe the swelling.  Other great options are mint leaves or turmeric: these two herbs contain anti-inflammatory and cooling properties. Crush a few mint leaves or create a paste with turmeric and pineapple or lemon juice, and apply it under your eyes to help your skin regain its natural color.  


Natural remedy for dark circles #2: Cool elements

Looking for some fast and easy natural remedy for dark circles? Well, try something frozen: ice, cold water, a cool washcloth, a frozen spoon, and even frozen vegetables, are great for getting rid of the dark spots under your eyes. Cold elements constrict the blood vessels of your skin, improving blood flow and reducing the swelling as well as the dark circles.

Frozen tea bags or herbal elements also work perfectly, since they help your skin relax and avoid discoloration.




Natural remedy for dark circles #1: Healthy food

A great way of helping your skin get rid of dark circles is by simply eating the proper food. Dark circles are almost always a consequence of Vitamin K deficiency and an accumulation of toxins on your body. To help your skin heal, keep your body properly hydrated by drinking enough water throughout the day, reduce your salt intake, and eat plenty of fruits and foods with Vitamin K, such as leafy greens, chili powder, curry, paprika, cayenne, cucumbers, prunes, asparagus, herbs, etc.

You can complete this step with creams and moisturizers rich in Vitamin K, but remember: the best natural remedy for dark circles is a healthy diet.


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Health. Top 10 foods highest in Vitamin K. 19 ways to naturally get rid of dark circles under your eyes.
Times of India. 10 tips to get rid of under eye puffiness.
Top 10 Home Remedies. How to get rid of dark circles fast.
WikiHow. How to get rid of black circles under your eyes.
Yahoo!. How to naturally cure black circles under your eyes.