Skin care tips on how to cure oily skin

  • Sol Rivero

Your forehead and nose feel greasy during the day? Do they look shiny, sometimes showing signs of acne? Then you are probably suffering from oily skin. This condition can be caused by a spike in your testosterone levels, which can occur during or before your menstrual cycle, or it can be produced or increased by incorrect cleaning habits.

Today we give you some skin care tips so you can learn how to cure oily skin and diminish its effects.


Tip for oily skin #5: Consult a doctor

Oily skin can be normal during certain seasons, such as the summer, when the extreme temperatures can make people sweat more and thus produce more oil. However, if your skin is too oily during most of the year, or if you have regular and long-lasting breakouts of pimples, blackheads, etc.; then it might be a sign derived from certain circumstances: perhaps your diet needs to be checked, or the hormonal changes are an indication of something more important.

In any case, to cure oily skin it’s essential to visit a dermatologist first so you can determine the reasons behind it and treat it appropriately and under careful medical supervision.


Tip for oily skin #4: Eat properly

Although the connection between what you eat and breakouts or oily skin is still dubious according to many dermatologists, some scientists believe that certain elements contained in our food can help these problems appear. Refined or processed carbohydrates, dairy products and even chocolate can either cause or intensify these skin conditions.

To cure oily skin, give a spin to your diet consuming detoxing and anti-inflammatory foods, like fruits, vegetables and green tea.


Tip for oily skin #3: Absorb the oil

For an instant -although not long-lasting- way of treating oily skin, you can always use paper towels, tissues or blotting papers to absorb the oil and clear your pores. It’s an easy solution, since you can simply carry them in your bag and clean your face twice or more times a day. However, you should not rub or scrub your skin with these products, since this will irritate your skin. Just press it on the oily areas gently for a few seconds and let it rest.

You can also look for pads with oil-cutting acids, or apply a few drops of Aloe Vera on the affected areas to absorb the oil.


Tip for oily skin #2: Use oil-free products

Although this should be a common sense decision, it’s surprising how many beauty products contain elements which can increase the problem without us knowing it. Waxes, pomades and greasy products might be problematic for people with oily skin, but you shouldn’t skip your skin regime because of it. Look for gels, lotions or serums to moisturize your skin, and opt for the oil-free options on the market.

Also, avoid ingredients which can dry your skin, such as astringents, harsh chemicals and alcohols, and apply a toner only on the oily areas of your face.


Tip for oily skin #1: Cleanse your skin properly

In order to get rid of the pesky shine which appears on their faces, many women recur to over-cleansing or using harsh products on their skin. This is a terrible mistake, since it can dry or irritate your skin, thus intensifying your condition. To cure oily skin, you should only cleanse your face twice –during the morning and at night- using light cleansers with slightly acidic properties.

Benzoyl peroxide, beta-hydroxyl acid, glycolic acid and salicylic acid, are great elements for diminishing the oil without stripping the protective layer of your skin. Look for products with these ingredients and wash your face with lukewarm water to successfully get rid of the excess of oil.



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Sources: Oily skin. What causes it and what can you do about it?
New Health Guide. Home remedies for oily skin.
WebMD. Coping with acne: your care plan.
You.Beauty. Oily skin, decoded. Can food cause acne? 