Evil eye meaning

What is the Turkish Evil Eye?

Also known as nazar, from the Arabic term for sight or seeing, the Turkish Evil Eye is a protective amulet, usually made of glass or stone, which depicts a large crystal blue eye within simple concentric circles. These images have been popular souvenirs for years, yet they’ve become an important part of the fashion world in later years.

The Turkish Evil Eye can also be found in small and delicate glass beads painted by hand. Under this presentation, it receives the name ofnazar boncuğu, or evil eye bead. These can be added to cute bracelets and other popular jewelry.

             evil eye meaning                                    evil eye meaning

The nazar has been found in many cultures from Egypt and Greece to Afghanistan, Iran, Bulgaria, and, of course, Turkey. The first recorded Turkish Evil Eye was found on a clay tablet from Mesopotamia, and it became a tradition amongst several Asian societies.     

Although the creation of this amulet has become a worldwide activity, making an authentic Turkish Evil Eye is considered a highly valued art of more than 5000 years, and it’s a trade passed from artisans to their children.

 evil eye meaning           evil eye meaning      evil eye meaning


According to many ancient cultures, if someone receives too much praise or admiration, it’s very likely that they’ll attract the consequences of the evil eye curse. These can reveal themselves as a sudden disease or progressive misfortune. The Turkish Evil Eye amulet could protects the person from these damages, since it stares right back at the person who inflicts the curse, and according to some, it helps the ill-wishes bounce back.

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