Christmas Gifts Guide: presents for kids

  • Sol Rivero

Kids are the protagonists of Christmas time! They enjoy the food, the snow fights, the sleigh rides and, of course, the gifts. If you’re looking for a present for a son, daughter, little nephew, etc. we give you some suggestions they’ll love!

Check it out!



Christmas gifts for babies and little kids (months of age to 5 years old)

For the littlest kids, the best presents are those which help them develop thinking and motor skills early on. Since their personalities and likings are still undefined, choose gender-neutral toys and games.


Our suggestions:

  • Legos or construction sets
  • Children books
  • Coloring books and crayons
  • Musical instruments for kids
  • Puzzles, memory games or science kits


Christmas gifts for school kids (6 to 9 years)

The kids at this age are a little older and will already show signs of a more distinct personality. Try to opt for presents which help them develop social skills, or pay close attention to their interests.

Our suggestions:

  • Board games
  • Karaoke games
  • A schoolbag
  • Bicycles or scooters
  • Cameras for children


Christmas gifts for pre-teenagers (10 to 12)

These children will begin the transition to adolescence, so their interests will set into more stereotypical roles. Presents for these kids should accommodate to their changes and help them develop their hobbies and interests.

Our suggestions:

  • Popular movies and CDs
  • Classic jewelry sets for girls or accessories for boys
  • Music or language classes
  • Tablets or eBook readers
  • A dairy


What’s your favorite Christmas gift from your childhood?


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December 11, 2013

Sol Rivero.