What to pack for the winter break

  • Sol Rivero

Winter break begins tomorrow (or today) for many of you, and some will be going back home to spend the Holidays with your family. That’s why today we’re telling you what to pack for the next weeks, so that all your fashion, entertainment and health needs are met.


Item to pack for winter break #5: Essential clothes, toiletries and medications

The first thing to pack are your essentials: underwear, comfortable clothes, a small bag with all your toiletries (your favorite shampoo, toothpaste, etc.) and any medicines you might be taking, or which you could need (for allergies, asthma, etc.). Don’t pack too many clothes, but just a few essentials. Remember it’s very likely you’ll hang around the mall during your time off and end up buying a few more things. 



Item to pack for winter break #4: A sewing kit and a makeup emergency kit

You never know what can happen during the trip or when you get to your destination. In any case, a small sewing kit and a little makeup emergency set can save you a lot of discomfort if something happens to you or your clothes. 


Item to pack for winter break #3: Power cables and adapters

It’s very common for people to forget the power cables for their electric gadgets, so make sure you pack yours and carry adapters just in case. Remember, however, that the holidays are meant to be spent enjoying the company of those you love, so try not to pay too much attention to your appliances. 


Item to pack for winter break #2: Winter fashion essentials

If the place where you’re going is cold, then don’t forget to take with you a warm coat, a pair of sweaters or hoodies, enough scarves and gloves. Don’t pack too many, since there’ll probably be enough of these at the stores, but do take a few pieces in muted tones so that you can combine them with everything.



Item to pack for winter break #1: Moisturizing cream and a lip balm

Protect your skin from the chill by taking a bottle of moisturizer and a balm for your lips. You can also carry a little bottle of olive oil with you and apply it at night to help prevent cracked or flaky skin.


Ready for the winter break?


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December 20, 2013

Sol Rivero.