4 great care tips for nails

  • Sol Rivero

If you love the Nail Art trend and are constantly trying new designs, it’s important you keep your nails healthy. These 4 great care tips will ensure this important part of your body remains beautiful and ready to be decorated with the latest nail polishes and crazy patterns!




Care tip for nails #4: Give your nails a break

Don’t use nail polish all the time. Let your nails respire for a day by removing all traces of nail polish, for example, during the weekends. The next day, if your nails are weak, apply a hardening polish and proceed to paint your nails however you like.  


Care tip for nails #3: Avoid polish removers with acetone

Although acetone dissolves nail polish swiftly, it damages the nails, making them fragile. Opt for a gentler, non-acetone polish remover, and limit its use to only once a week. Moisturize your nails right afterwards.


Care tip for nails #2: Don’t touch your cuticles

Many manicurist from beauty salons will either remove or push too far back your cuticles. However, you must never manipulate them, since they are a barrier against germs and fungus. A cut or a breach on your cuticles might allow the development of an infection, so only add some cuticle cream and push it back gently.


Care tip for nails #1: Moisturize your nails

To help your nails remain healthy, avoid breakage and grow better, a great option is to moisturize them regularly. Just apply a little amount of the same moisturizing cream you use for your face or your body and rub it gently on each nail, especially on the contour. You can also place some olive oil on the nail bed to make them stronger.


Get more care tips:


About.com. 5 nail care tips. http://skincare.about.com/od/caringforyourfeet/tp/5-Nail-Care-Tips.htm
Mayo clinic. Fingernails: Do’s and don’ts for healthy nails. http://www.mayoclinic.org/nails/ART-20044954
WebMD. A dozen tips for more beautiful nails. http://www.webmd.com/beauty/nails/more-beautiful-nails-a-dozen-tips?page=1