Tips for cleaning your fashion jewelry at home

  • Sol Rivero

Is your fashion jewelry looking a little dull or dirty these days? Many of us forget the importance of keeping it spotless so it can last longer, which is why today we bring you some easy tips for cleaning it at home in just a few steps.


Cleaning your fashion jewelry at home - Step #1: Choose the right materials

Like with all jewelry, you should always be careful when cleaning your fashion jewelry items, since they can be easily scratched or damaged when washed clumsily. Different items require different materials for a successful cleaning process: chains, links and metallic jewelry require soft brushes with flexible strands or balls of cotton, as well as a soft cleanser like soap or dishwasher detergent –you can also try jewelry cleaners, but before using it make sure you check the instructions to see if it could harm your accessories-; while gemstones, faux pearls and rhinestones should only be cleaned with a soft cloth.

Take the tools you need and add a bowl of lukewarm water, a soft cloth with no texture for drying the jewelry, and a blow-dryer. Place all your items on a firm and properly illuminated surface, and you’ll be ready to start.


Cleaning your fashion jewelry at home - Step #2: Cleanse

Begin by placing a little bit of soap or detergent into the water. Dip a bit of cotton or a soft brush in the resulting solution, and carefully clean the metallic elements of your fashion jewelry. Be extra delicate! Don’t use harsh tools or clean it roughly, for you might end up scratching the surface.

If your jewelry contains beads, pearls, rhinestones or gemstones, don’t use the soapy solution on them to avoid possible dullness or detachment. Instead, clean them by polishing each stone thoroughly with a dry cloth. Avoid coarse fabrics, for they contain fibers which can damage your fashion jewelry.

Never submerge your accessories in the soapy water, for residues of the chemicals will be harder to rinse, and you might even damage the links or unglue the elements.


Cleaning your fashion jewelry at home - Step #3: Rinse and store

Once you’re done with the cleaning, it’s time to rinse off all the soap so it won’t stick and stain the materials of your fashion jewelry. Use lukewarm clean water with no additives to wash away all the remains of soap and dirt, and then proceed to dry your item quickly using a piece of cloth and a blow-dryer for good measure.

Make sure your fashion jewelry is completely dry and chemical-free before storing it. Remember not to place it where it can tangle, scratch against other items or gather dust.



You’re all done with your cleaning! Repeat this process once a week for those items you usually wear the most.


Check out more fashion jewelry tips:


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