Skin Care: how to help your skin transition from Spring to Summer

  • Sol Rivero

Next week is the summer solstice, the official start of the summer season. Unlike spring, the weather will become consistently warm, and we’ll be exposed to more sunlight. To keep our skin healthy and glowing, today we bring you a useful skin care guide with tips on how to help your skin transition from spring to summer.


Tip for helping your skin transition from Spring to Summer #4: Exfoliate regularly

Your body is always producing new skin cells, meaning you should always remove the most external layer, which consists of dead skin cells. During the summer, this process becomes even more aggressive due to sun exposure, so it’s critical that you take the time to exfoliate regularly. Since your skin might be sensitive, opt for adding a light exfoliator to your skin care products, and use it two or three times during the week.

Rub the exfoliator in circular movements on all your skin, including your face, hands and dry portions of your body, such as the elbows and heels.


Tip for helping your skin transition from Spring to Summer #3: Use the proper moisturizers and cleansers

Your body is always producing oils, a dreaded substance that makes your face look sweaty and unattractive. However, these liquids are your skin’s way of protecting itself, so although you’ll want to wash them off, you must choose the proper products to keep your skin healthy and beautiful. An oil-absorbing cleanser and a water-based moisturizer are two essential ingredients you must add to your skin care routine during the new season.

Avoid products with irritating chemicals, such as detergent. Opt for cleansers with salicylic acid and resveratrol, which will brighten and detox your skin. Cleanse and moisturize twice a day: during the morning, and right before going to bed, since summer nights can be quite warm.


Tip for helping your skin transition from Spring to Summer #2: Hydrate your body

Hydration is essential for healthy skin during summer, and it’s even more than important than during spring. Start from the inside-out: drink plenty of water and consume fruits throughout the day. Also, avoid sugar-rich drinks, caffeine and alcohol, since although these foods give you temporary relief against the warmth, they also have highly dehydrating properties.

Now, when it comes to your skin, apply natural oils or lotions right after stepping out from the shower. This will seal your body’s moisture, keeping your skin proper hydrated throughout the day.


Tip for helping your skin transition from Spring to Summer #1: Use sunscreen

Although it’s not uncommon to forget about sunscreen during spring, it’s essential to keep it in mind during summer. Since days have sunlight for a longer time, you’ll be in high risk of developing insolation, discoloration, pigmentation, and even dangerous skin diseases. Apply sunscreen on your skin before leaving your home, and reapply it every 1 or 2 hours if you’ll be exposed to the sun.

If you’re wearing makeup, consider adding products which include sunscreen properties, and remember to help your body soothe when you get home by applying a cooling lotion or natural cream on your skin.  



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Sources: 7 skin care tips for glowing skin in summer.
Access Hollywood. Glam slam: take your skin from spring to summer.
MdHilHealth. Top 10 – Skincare tips for the summer.